Proud Platinum Sponsors of TAFECreates24

Supporting TAFE's journey to achieving superior outcomes 


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What makes ReadyTech’s Student Management System unique to TAFEs? 

Ready for TAFE v2

Ready for TAFE

Purpose-built technology for Australian TAFEs

Ready to Deliver

Ready to Deliver

Experienced TAFE domain experts supporting complex implementation, digitisation and change

Ready to Innovate

Ready to Innovate

A no-compromise ‘open ecosystem’ supporting efficiency and automation in a regular release cycle

Ready to Partner

Ready to Partner

Committed to helping TAFEs deliver the education of the future

Igniting Innovation Case Study

Bendigo Kangan Institute's journey to student growth and financial efficiency with ReadyTech


Power your TAFE with our market-leading solutions


Purpose-built technology, we’ve created the answer to address today’s student engagement, management and retention challenges. Powered by a progressive, scalable, and easy-to-use solution, we support the trainers of today to tackle the compliance and regulation complexity of tomorrow. 


JR Plus Block

Next-generation student management system for education institutions of today and tomorrow.

Ready Student
Education ReadyLMS

Our best-of-breed learning management system (LMS) is powered by aNewSpring.

Ready LMS
ReadySkills Block

Market leading skills assessment technology.

Ready Skills

Interested in finding out more?

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