Introducing Ready LMS, powered by aNewSpring 




The perfect blend of beautiful, intuitive technology and localised experience when you need it most. 

Powered by aNewSpring, Ready LMS enables educators to personalise learning based on individual student goals and results, and maximise peer-to-peer learning through group activities and online communication tools. Customised to comply with Australian industry standards for the vocational education and training (VET) sector, we’re helping education providers to confidently evolve their offering and boost student learning outcomes.

aNewSpring is used worldwide by 800+ organisations and more than 1 million learners each year, enabling education and training providers to create and deliver highly customisable and adaptive learning programs.

“Sugar Research Institute is utilising aNewSpring to provide sugar industry specific training programs for sugar factory operators. Being able to segregate and individually brand across nine different companies has made the learner experience common with other individual company activities, and the ability to develop and manage training courses for a whole industry has proven to be successful. Together with the simplicity of the platform that enables companies to create their own content as necessary, aNewSpring has proven to be highly successful for the industry.”


David Moller, QUT Senior Research Consulting Engineer



Icon Compliance Black


Custom-built for Australian VET compliance

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Blended learning

Powerful blended learning experiences (online and in-person)

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Mobile learning

Great mobile experience for on-the-go learning anywhere, anytime

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Australian support with 20+ years’ industry experience

Icon Adaptive Black


A learning journey that adapts to your students’ needs

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Intuitive and clear statistics to help track student progress

Icon Social Learning Black


Empower students to connect, discuss, and collaborate with teachers and peers

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Authoring Tool

Create engaging, customised, and impactful online training

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