Eddie AI

Revolutionise Jobseeker Placement. *Pending Department Approval

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job ready Secondary CMYK v3

The Eddie AI Premium Module in Job Ready is designed to enhance the user experience for job coaches by automating key tasks and simplifying jobseeker placement. By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, Eddie AI helps reduce the administrative burden that job coaches often face, allowing them to focus more on helping jobseekers succeed. Eddie AI works by summarising jobseeker profiles, automating the job matching process, and providing powerful tools for faster and more accurate placements. It makes it easier to uncover key skills, find the best-fit vacancies, and assess job suitability, all with just a few clicks. With Eddie AI, job coaches can save time, make smarter placement decisions, and ultimately improve outcomes for both jobseekers and employers.


Faster Job Matching

Eddie AI automates the job matching process by instantly surfacing relevant vacancies that align with a jobseeker’s skills, experience, and location. This helps job coaches quickly find the right opportunities, improving placement times and reducing manual effort. 


Reduce Administrative Work

Eddie AI takes care of time-consuming administrative tasks, such as summarising jobseeker profiles and conducting skill assessments. This allows job coaches to spend less time on paperwork and more time supporting jobseekers in their job search journey.


Better Informed Placement Decisions

By leveraging Eddie AI’s ability to summarise jobseeker records and uncover key skills from resumes, job coaches gain deeper insights into each jobseeker’s qualifications. This leads to more informed decisions when matching jobseekers with suitable roles.


Summarise Jobseeker Profiles

Eddie AI quickly compiles and summarises a jobseeker’s record, helping job coaches get up to speed on the jobseeker’s circumstances, experience, and qualifications. This ensures a smoother handover and more efficient case management.

Eddie AI Summarise Jobseeker Profiles v2

Semantic Skill Search

Using Eddie’s semantic search technology, job coaches can automatically identify key skills from a jobseeker’s uploaded resume. This feature helps surface the most relevant skills and ensures that job matches are based on accurate, up-to-date information.

Eddie AI Semantic Skill Search v2

Vacancy Matching and Filtering

Eddie AI instantly surfaces a list of job vacancies that match a jobseeker’s skills, location, and experience. Job coaches can also filter vacancies using natural language search, refining the results based on specific keywords, locations, or other criteria.

Eddie AI Vacancy Matching and Filtering

Job Suitability Summary

Eddie AI generates a job suitability summary for each vacancy, explaining why it is a good match for the jobseeker. This feature helps job coaches communicate effectively with jobseekers about the relevance of each job opportunity, increasing engagement and improving placement outcomes.

Eddie AI Job Suitability Summary

Cross-Industry and Regional Search

Eddie AI provides the flexibility to search for job opportunities across different regions and industries, ensuring jobseekers have access to the widest possible range of vacancies that align with their skills.

Eddie AI Cross Industry and Regional Search

Meet Eddie

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