Next-generation Student Management for TAFE

Transform your student journey with ReadyTech's purpose-built technology ecosystem



Combine deep sector expertise with powerful technology

We’re home to the education market’s most trusted student management system for vocational education and training (VET) providers. 

Designed to solve problems across the entire student journey, we’ve created a one-stop-shop answer to today’s student engagement, management and retention challenges.


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Ready for TAFE

Purpose-built technology for Australian TAFEs

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Ready to deliver

Experienced TAFE domain experts supporting complex implementation, digitisation and change

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Ready to innovate

A no-compromise ‘open ecosystem’ supporting efficiency and automation in a regular release cycle

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Ready to partner

Committed to helping TAFEs deliver the education of the future

Drive innovation with purpose-built technology for TAFEs

Born in the Cloud and certified for data security by ISO 27001, our technology can be used to manage more than 20 million students!

Tech partner

True technology partner


Agility (more regular releases)


Interoperability (An open ecosystem)


Modern UX & student experience


Reporting, data analytics and intelligence


Our journey supporting Australian VET







Optimised for TAFEs

Use market-leading compliance reporting and data quality to create out-of-the-box workflows and automation – ultimately helping you make data-driven decisions.

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Case Study: Ready Student for BKI – A Staged Approach 

Bendigo Kangan Institute (BKI) used Ready Student (previously known as JR Plus) to break down data silos across both TAFEs to transform their student experience, improve staff processes and enhance governance and compliance.


Why we are different

We are ready for TAFEs with a purpose-built solution that allows innovation and scalability

Drive student engagement digitally and offer superior student experience

We have a dedicated, local TAFE team of 40+ VET/TAFE experts

Highly configurable with rapid deployment and scalability

True Cloud, SaaS with regular feature releases, a modern UX and industry grade ISO 27001 security

Make use of an open and connected ecosystem with all your best-in-class solutions


Maximise your impact with our product suite for TAFE

We provide a powerful, open student management product ecosystem that includes leading skills assessment, learning management and behavioural science capabilities.


Ready Student Logo

Empowering enterprise tertiary educators to push boundaries and create digital, seamless student experiences.

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Ready Skills enables vocational education providers to better track and manage the delivery of workforce skills.

Education ReadyLMS

Personalise learning based on individual student goals and results, and maximise peer-to-peer learning through group activiti…



Our ecosystem approach


We are an enterprise student management technology provider with a unique approach to the future – we have an open ecosystem philosophy that recognises the complex problems of the future can be solved best by the EdTech community at scale.

Building on our reputation for solving mission-critical problems for customers through technology, we are building an open, connected ecosystem that will nurture EdTech innovation and deliver the best possible value to our customers.


Backed by deep sector experience and excellence in customer service

A true technology partner

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With our true cloud agility, we are trusted to deliver a smarter, faster, scalable and more open and connected student management solution than any other provider in the market.

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We’re already supporting 1,400+ RTOs across Australia with a large team of experienced, talented and innovative ReadyTechers who are deeply committed to the VET sector.

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All supported by our reliable and local Australian support with 20+ years’ industry experience and a customer satisfaction rating in excess of 90%.


About ReadyTech


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Our team

With deep industry knowledge & expertise, our specialist TAFE team are service-oriented and customer-focused

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Scale to deliver

With more than 400 employees, we have the size & capability to support your enterprise education projects

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As advocates for the VET sector, our solutions are purpose-built for TAFEs and Australian RTOs

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Unique footprint

Supporting 1,200+ private providers, TAFEs, AASNs & State government in Australia for VET management

Want to learn more?