More information can be found via the links below:
Installation information
Update information
Change Logs
The following pages contain detailed change logs describing the changes made in each version of the API:

Detailed technical documentation including a complete listing of functions is available below for various versions:
Additional data
TThe following pages describe the “additional” entities and fields that are available to be generically queried or set via several functions, for the latest VETtrak version, pages are separated into the field list for the respective Entity types:
- Additional data documentation Client entity
- Additional data documentation Employer entity
- Additional data documentation Enrolment entity
- Additional data documentation Contract entity
- Additional data documentation Class entity
- Additional data documentation ClassAttendance entity
- Additional data documentation ClientEvenet and EmployerEvent entities
- Additional data documentation ClientAward entity
- Additional data documentation EmployerContact entity
- Additional data documentation EnrolledUnit entity