
Laptop ReadyPay kiosk mytime v2

Accurate, secure and efficient timesheet management


Ready Pay’s seamlessly integrates with your existing payroll system, ensuring all crucial data is securely processed for efficient payroll calculations. Whether you prefer third-party files, Excel imports, or manual entries, our platform offers flexible solutions to meet your unique business needs.

Streamline your payroll with integrated timesheets

Data integration

Flexibility in data integration

Import timesheet data directly through various means such as third-party files or Excel spreadsheets. Ready Pay adapts to how your business operates, providing versatile options for data integration.

Payroll accuracy

Improved payroll accuracy

Minimise errors and ensure data integrity by securely importing essential timesheet information into your payroll system. 


Comprehensive time & attendance management

From real-time employee clock-ins to detailed time tracking, Ready Pay integrates effortlessly with your existing time and attendance (T&A) systems, providing a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes.

Centralised timesheet data

third party

Third-party file integration

Easily import timesheet data from third-party providers or real-time clock-ins from integrated time clocks.

excel import

File import functionality

Upload tailored Excel spreadsheets for seamless data transfer.

manual entry

Manual entry in kiosk

Directly input start and end times via our intuitive Ready Pay Kiosk interface for quick and accurate manual data entry.


Ready to transform your payroll process?