Ready Contracts
Supplier Relationship Management Module
An essential platform for managing supplier information plus the unique ability to enable suppliers to manage their own contractual documents reducing administration stress from your team.
Build strong working relationships with key suppliers using direct data entry by contractors
- Centrally manage all your supplier contact details
- Track and analyse supplier performance
- Direct collaboration with suppliers through web based portal to manage contractual documentation eg. insurances, payment claims, variations, to reduce internal contract administration tasks
- Supplier pre-qualification and online questionnaires

Supplier Information Database
- Centrally manage all supplier details including company, address and contact details right down the supplier tiers
- Keep track of supplier history with immediate details on all contracts the supplier has previously bid for
- Record supplier meetings, minutes and recent discussions/agreements made
- Manage all supplier documents centrally, including monitoring compliance to key contractual terms such as insurance policies

SRM Portal
An easy to use web based portal that enables direct communication and collaboration with your suppliers through any browser. Free your resources from hours of administration work to spend time on more valuable tasks. Features include;
- View contract information
- View Schedule of Items/Rates
- Submit variations, payment claims triggering online approvals
- Update insurances
- Communication tool
- Send site instructions

Supplier Pre-Qualification
Use pre-qualification forms to assign suppliers to skills and skill categories for quick search capabilities.

Track Supplier Performance
Track supplier performance within the SRM module to use in strategic negotiations. Evaluate suppliers with an online evaluation form based on user defined criteria.

Try integrating with..
Projects Module
Use Projects Module in conjunction with the Compliance Module to manage identified risks and reduce the risk of non-compliance of suppliers on projects.
Categories Module
Expand your supply market intelligence with the Categories Module to enable collation and future application of your supplier database records.