Ready Contracts
Verified Supplier Network
An essential platform for managing supplier information plus the unique ability to enable suppliers to manage their own contractual documents reducing administration stress from your team.
House Supplier Details Within a Centralised, Automated Supplier Database
The Ready Contracts Verified Supplier Network™ (VSN) verifies suppliers against the Australian Business Register, before housing them in a centralised database available to all Ready Contracts clients. We propel the verification results onto you swiftly, leaving you more time to develop a strategic, mutually beneficial client-supplier relationship.

Trust your Data
If an existing supplier de-registers or ceases trading altogether, you want to know about it. But there’s no way of knowing until they inform you, right? Wrong. We’ve set up our VSN so it re-verifies each existing supplier on a nightly basis. If any discrepancies appear, their status will change on the database, and we’ll let you know right away. This way, you’ll be kept in the loop automatically.

Supplier Self-Disclosure
Neither you nor your suppliers are required to ‘step outside’ of the VSN to view or submit information on your supplier’s sustainable procurement policies. Suppliers can self-complete our environmental sustainability and modern slavery questionnaires directly through the Ready Contracts platform. We’ve designed this self-disclosure feature to streamline and strengthen your own sustainable procurement practices – while empowering your supplier to heighten theirs.

Additional Verification Services Include:
- Verifying insurance details against associated certificates of currency.
- Verifying licenses and registrations against relevant accreditation certificates.